Four signs you should invest in LCA validation before publishing your ESG Report

You Don't Have an Sustainability Policy

If you don't have a sustainability policy in place, it's a sign that you need to invest in validation before publishing your ESG report. A sustainability policy outlines your company's commitment to protecting the environment. Without validated data, it will be difficult to convince stakeholders that you're serious about your intentions.

You Haven't Done Your Research

Another sign that you need to invest in validation before publishing an ESG Report is if you haven't done your research. It's important to know what other companies are doing to be sustainably responsible and what consumers expect from sustainable businesses. Otherwise, your campaign is likely to fall flat.

You're Not Ready to Make Changes

If you're not ready to make changes in your company in order to be more sustainable, then it's a sign that you need to invest in validation - using our ethos “if you can’t measure it, you can’t market it”. For example, if you're still using plastic packaging and have good reason to use it based on validated data, you are in a strong position to promote your decision externally.

You're Not Willing to Spend the Money

Investing in validation can be costly, but it's important to remember that it's an investment. If you're not willing to spend the money on validation, then it's a sign that you're not serious about improving the longterm wellbeing for people and the planet. Remember, stakeholders are becoming more and more aware of sustainability issues and they're looking for businesses that share their values.


The Plastics Paradox